Challenges I Have Overcome
Karma! I have always visualized it as a daughter-in-law in the patriarchal family setup or in our daily sops, so to speak. You ask me why? Because come what may, anything that happens in your household or life, Karma is to be blamed. Karma is that easy outlet to pin the failures, disappointments, and lack of motivation. While we are at it, Karma would play its role for not putting up enough effort to overcome the challenges that come our way. To stay at the top of the game, we have to be in charge of our life and the challenges I have overcome as an SAHM have been immense. But to stay at the top of the game I had to. How to overcome a challenge as an SAHM?
While battling PPD after my second delivery, I used to visualize myself as a helpless soul sunken in a pit of despair. The thought that I am wasting my life, by changing nappies, was ingrained in my mind. As a Stay at home mom, I was conditioned to think that my life’s purpose was to raise healthy kids and maintain my home. But six years down the line, the realization dawned on me that I cannot let my caliber go in vain and I could simultaneously do my job as a mother without fail. How did I overcome a challenge and start afresh by staying at home for six years? Here are the basic steps I took and they became key points in the challenges I have overcome.
Recognise own’s worth
After spending years confined to home, my confidence had taken a hit. I believed that I lost my talent and perseverance. But when I decided to give life a second chance, I introspected and all I could think of was to write. I started writing poems again. Poems to short stories and finally a novel – when did my talent expand its horizon is still unknown to me.
If you are trying to resume your career, and are unsure where to start, you should start by noting down your strengths. While you enjoy your passion and convert it into a career. With social media at its hype, you can start by pitching for an online opportunity. There are numerous avenues out there. It’s all about where you look.
Plan ahead
We must have a solid foolproof plan to get past the competitive world. This is where journaling and manifestation helps.
A journal is like your best friend. You can tell anything to a journal but when you talk to a journal make sure you address yourself with respect and positive ambitions. Note down your strengths and weaknesses. Point out your opportunities and challenges. Have multiple action plans as to how you are going to start because if something didn’t materialise, we should have something else to tap into. Search for opportunities that match your skill set.
If there is something that I blindly believe, it is the power of the law of attraction. Manifesting, your goals, putting it on paper, doing gratitude journal and visualizing it while you work on your goal. The manifestation has been stated in one line but to put it into action intensive brainstorming and perseverance is a must.
Talk to yourself
As weird as it sounds, talking to yourself gives you immense confidence, pushes you forward and instils a go getter attitude inside you. You might err in your process of getting back to your work regime but as a good friend, tell yourself where you faltered and how to rectify. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Be your best friend.
Learn to say NO
However difficult it seems, the power of telling no cannot be replaced with any alternative. When opportunities knock at your door, don’t jump at the first call. Pursue your opportunities, weigh the pros and cons, meanwhile pitch into other possibilities. But immense care needs to be invested in saying No without offending anyone because we never know if we have to go back to them at any point.
Share the load
The most foolish mistake that majority women make is to do everything themselves. Delegation is a virtue that you must master, be it a workspace or home. Ask your partner to share the load if you are the sole responsible one in the relationship. If you are single, modify your life to suit your career. If your kids are grown up, say 8 years and above, ask them to take responsibility for some household chores. The bottom line is that we should not be the only one responsible for the household.
Now that you know how to break the SAHM inertia, start from the basics first and slowly build the momentum. The challenges I have overcome might come across to you as something that every other woman faces. But the fact that it is common doesn’t make it light. You would be there but you might not realise because you are used to hearing ‘we have been through worse’. This is a sad reality that they all had it worse but shant we make it better for us?
This blog post is written for SpeakEasy3.0 and hosted by Dipika Singh and Ruchi Verma.
This blog post is also part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.
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