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Category: Positivity

  • Navigate to happiness and love

    There is nothing that’s as liberating as a drive or ride with your partner. Vacations are on and we will be looking for new destinations to visit with your family.  A long drive to a cool destination with your family might sound tiring but once you set out for one, you will understand how weightless you would feel.310786_169440399797261_6779192_n

    The advantage of long drive is that you will be shut in a small space and hence you will get more time to connect with each other. Moreover, since one partner is driving the chances of both of them being indulged in phone would be less.  Another advantage is music. Most probably long drives would be accompanied with nice music. There is nothing like music. Visiting new places and meeting new people can give unprecedented relief from your frustration and stress.


    It could also be a learning experience too. We all dream of visiting different countries but very few think of exploring whole of India, which could possible only through drives as other means of transportation takes you to the destinations but the drives help you know other places as well and know new routes and new lives.

    This is applicable only if you likes to drive. If not, what is supposed to be and experience of rejuvenation might end up a nightmare.

    So, if you likes your beast unleash it and navigate to happiness.

  • Liberation

    We all are slaves of our mind. It leads you through the paths that locks us from our happiness. Often we have a tendency to concentrate on what we don’t have than what we have. So, basically the issue is in our head. If we choose to cry on and feel self sympathetic about why people used you or treated you badly or made you look bad, you will forever life that life. Instead look at the big picture. I have written earlier about being stubborn about not letting anything affect you. I tried that myself and succeeded in it. So will you.

    First you need to learn how to distract yourself when damaging thoughts start sprouting. The moment you learn to master your mind, the rest is easy. You can do several breathing exercises. Take a deep breath and release it slowly with a buzzing noise. The kind of calmness that it provides you is unimaginable. When you realise that your mind is calm, without any thoughts, tell yourself that you are peaceful. ” I am peaceful. I am happy. I am right. I am unaffected and I am liberated.”

    The moment you feel it you will attain it. You can do this along with your spouse. It will create a connection between both of you and acts as a catalyst to your closeness. But make sure both of you do this wholeheartedly.

    The feeling of liberation is unparallel. Once you attain it, nothing is impossible and nothing can affect it.

  • Happiness is your right

    1554727777352We all need to be happy. What all we long for, be it love, money, peace of mind, kids, family, food, shelter, clothing, or anything we need, we need them so that we could be happy. The ultimate aim to satisfy yourself so that you could be happy. But quite often we get to meet people and circumstances that are detrimental to our happiness and there we go. Down to the pit of unhappiness and we say that we are depressed. Seriously! Depression is a psychological condition. It is not what we feel when we are sad and disappointed. So first you have to stop saying that I am depressed. That’s for those unfortunate souls who feel sad without any reason and cannot help it.


    The lack of enthusiasm you feel due to certain circumstances is not depression. This is momentary and circumstance driven. The moment your realise it, the first step to your happiness mission starts. Now the step 2. It is not identifying the problem. It is identifying what part of the problem is affecting you and how it is affecting you.

    For instance: The common scenario is with toxic personalities. Some people do everything to deprive you of your peace of mind and manage to dump the responsibilities on you. You keep on wondering why after doing all this to me, they try to paint me as the culprit. You all might have come across such folks. Similarly there could many situations where you think why me?

    Instead of thinking why me, ask what next? Tell yourself that come what may, I will not let this affect my happiness. Be rest assured that whatever happens now will become a blessing in disguise in future. We may call this God’s grace or cosmic law but it is the unequivocal reality. The moment you train your mind to believe this and give yourself the power to wait, you can be the happiest person alive in this world.

  • Eclipse of happiness- #BlogchatterA2Z

    Being a family is the most coveted dream of many. But being in a family, we need to to take care of a lot of factors. A family is the conjunction of many characters, so diverse that we need to modulate our reaction to the same situation with different people. But we know how to handle them as it is our family. The success of your life lies in how easily you find the balance.

    The balance is inevitable for your own sanity. How someone treat you is all upto them but how you react to it, and how you let it affect you is all upto you. That’s where you should keep the key to your happiness.


    Mulling over something always give me ideas but it also give me pain and unnecessary stress. So what I take from something depends on how I process it. Likewise any situation you can use it to your advantage.

    The money you lose that balance, the Eclipse to your happiness begins. Everyone will have that stage in their life when their happiness is under the Eclipse stage. We find different definitions for it. Like bad phase, evil eyes and so on. Life goes on in a prospect that this eclipse stage will pass and your life will eventually start shining bright.

    Nonetheless, training yourself to remain happy during this eclipse stage is important. The more you do it, the better.

  • Care yourself

    We have read numerous posts about caring your spouse, kids, parents, in-laws and grandparents. When it comes to care yourself we all fall short. It is like we think that caring yourself is a blasphemy. Why is it that we always feel guilty of taking care of ourselves. We have been conditioned to think that we should not be selfish, we should take care of everything and Everyone and then only care ourselves. Or else we would be less of a h kiuman being. We are conditioned so much so that we live our lives in a guilt trip. The term “guilty pleasure” is coined to reinforce this. Why should we feel guilty of our pleasure?

    We have heard of a lot of sacrifices. Of a mother who sacrificed her job to take care of kids, of a father who sacrificed his pleasure so that his kids could have a better life, of a lover who sacrificed his/her family to be with the partner. What we conveniently forget is that in every sacrifice, there is one person who avails the perks without being guilty.

    For once, why don’t you do something for yourself without being guilty? Without being judged? Try it today. Do something that you have always wanted to but was procrastinating in the name of sacrifice.

    Do something for yourself doesn’t mean you set out to cheat on your spouse and say I am doing this for myself. Or dump your parents somewhere and say I tried doing something for myself. Doing something for yourself without hurting, cheating or using anyone.

    Tell me how it feels

  • Bucket List

    Image courtesy: www.barnesandnoble.com

    We all have something to dream about. We have that one desire which will make our life accomplished. For some, it would be many. We call it “Bucket List”. You might me wondering how bucket list comes under the theme family.

    As mentioned in many previous blogs, I am a different kind of human being who prefers books to dresses and other paraphernalia, reading to shopping and sleeping to parties. All my desires and the dreams have revolved around my family. I met my husband, my then boyfriend, when I was 16 and I was so smitten by him that I could think of anything without him. It was a teenage fantasy first and a habit later. So my bucket list also had my husband and now my kids involved.

    1. Playing in the snow

    Since I was born and brought up in Kerala, snow was a dream for me. We never had winters that had snow. Ironically, now we have snowfalls in Munnar during winter. It is more of snow flurry.

    So, my desire to play in the snow was procrastinated till I got married. My honeymoon was in Switzerland and we went during winters, I know it is an unlikely tour, an off season trip but we got too many advantages like sale, availability of slots in tours and possibility of immediate change of plans.

    2. Be a lyricist

    While my first one was accomplished, this one was done half way through. I wanted to be a lyricist in movies while I got chances for writing album song. Something is better than nothing and hence I took it up. Credits was not given in the video though. That’s another story.

    3. Paragliding

    This is an unfulfilled fantasy. One day I will go with my dear hubby and update you. Once we went to Wagamon for the same but when we went there paragliding was closed. Well, the time had not come then.

    4. North Indian drives

    It is being accomplished step by step and one fine day I will have travelled the whole of India. Last year we went to Bhopal by car from Kochi. This year will go.as far as New Delhi.

    5. Being a successful author

    Four years back, in February this was also accomplished. My first book “Waves in the Sky” came out like my baby. For me, my book was a success as I got quite good reviews but if the success parameter is being bestseller, I will have to wait more.

    6 Bunjee Jumping.

    I need to fly high in the air and the dive to the earth holding his hands. Like a bird I need to fly.

    7. Sledging

    The picture of Santa Claus sitting in the sledge has been engraved in my mind and I will go sledging one fine day.

    8. To ride Harley Davidson

    I have been a quite famous rider locally , about 12 years back. Since then due to several reasons, riding has been a distant dream. But now, when I see my husband ride his Harley Davidson Fat Boy, the rider in me watches with envy. Waiting for my kids to be a little bigger and you see how I dash off!

  • The ones whom you hate

    I have read several articles asking us to write down the name of the one whom you hate and just scribble over it. This way you could quench the hatred towards them. Have tried this out? I have! The more I did this the more hatred I developed and the more negative my thoughts became. It might work for someone but for me it was the worst idea I could ever implement in my life. Tearing the names or punching them or poking them evokes a strange negativity in my mind which was detrimental to my sanity.

    If you are one who have tried and failed in this technique, you are my personality type. The best way to get rid of hatred towards someone is to stop thinking of them. It would not be possible at all times. Sometimes, this someone would be in front of you all the time and hence stop thinking would not be a good idea. Stop letting these thoughts affect you is what you could try doing.

    This is not a instant job. To not let such thoughts affect you will take time depending on the influence this person has on your life and psyche. Hatred is one such emotion that once get connected with you, will never budge. The first step to take is to think of this person as a fourth person about whom you have heard. This is more of a psychological exercise. The scientific authenticity of the same is not verified. I am sharing what helped me and could help you as well. We detach ourselves from them and start thinking of them as a stranger about whom you have heard things which are derogatory. This is a gradual yet continuous exercise. Once we are into the groove of this exercise, at a point you will forget the exact reason why you hate them. Well, not in the literal sense though. And then if you look back, you will see for yourself how immature it was to reserve a major portion of you brain for something that doesn’t matter to you at all.

  • Coping up is all up to you.

    To preach positivity is easy but to apply it in your life is equally difficult. I have wrote many posts related to positivity, positive thinking and dealing with stress and negative situations. But when I look back, I realize that I have not written a single post in Scrutiny for the past two months, which implies that I myself was not able to cope up with adverse situations. So what went wrong or where did I miss!

    While we tell about dealing with stressful circumstances, we do not prepare ourselves for one. Sometimes what we deal with is so much that we are seldom prepared. So what we need to do is to be prepared for anything at any circumstances. It doesn’t mean that you should not enjoy your happy moments thinking about what storm is supposed to enter your life. But what we can do is, once we are in a stressful situation, we should keep your mind free for some sort of recovery. It is human to cry or get angry when you are being subjected to injustice. If you don’t, then you might be in trouble but the level and meter of your reaction is what we should keep on check.

    So don’t think why I reacted the way I did. Yes you can think how differently you could have handled the situation and be prepared the next time. But some situations are such that however you try to handle it the outcome would be a disaster. So just let it be.

    All you need to think is how you can prevent a situation in the present from affecting your future. For that, the first step should be recognising the fact that you are getting affected. Next step is recovering. Think back and see what you like the most. Every person would have some passion that they love the most. Invest your time and energy especially your thoughts for that passion and emerge from the pit of self loathing. First you would find that you are unable to concentrate

    But as I mentioned in my previous post, make a decision and be stubborn of the fact that no matter what you will not let yourself get affected.

    Welcome to the happiness club with a morning cup of positivity.

  • Follow the signs: Don’t be an emotional fool.

    Have you ever wondered  “How I trusted that person!”. Have you ever regretted not trusting your instincts about someone? Have ever thought of repenting for the mistake of ignoring your loved ones’ warning about someone! I’m sure you would have, at some point of time. This might have happened in a relationship, friendship, or any such relations wherein we blindly trusted someone ignoring the signs that call out so loud. We immerse our head inside the humongous lies like an Ostrich and fail to see the reality that was there all along. We call ourselves emotional fools and spend the rest of our lives repenting it.


    What we need to understand is that, being an emotional fool doesn’t make you weak. It proves that you can love someone strongly. Love and trust is your strength and if someone use it to break you, it proves that how weak they are. They have nothing of their own and they are using what you have. It is like mugging someone. But Love and trust is not something that someone can steal from you.  The more they try to feed on it, the weaker they become. What you should understand is that you should not let your guard down. They are doing this to you because you are richer at different level. I am not talking of the monetary terms.

    So if someone is trying to feed on your love and trust, identify the signals, listen to your loved ones and still if you fail, don’t spend the rest of your life regretting it. Understand that you are being the strongest, richest and the purest. Understand your worth, keep your head high and be proud of what you are. You were used not because you were bad but because others were evil to use your naivety and sincerity.

  • My Diary

    1533469720003.jpgDiary writing has always been my habit for years. I am not sure when I started writing my thoughts out. I still have a collection of my literary blabbering. When the heat of postgraduation melted my brain, the writing habit was lost somewhere. I started keeping to myself. I was all exuberant and made a lot of friends but did not actually have that share- everything-relations with them post the college days.

    Being an emotional fool myself I have always wanted a shoulder to lean on, which made me an emotionally weak and dependent soul. This is a matter of the past.Through time I learned that washing your emotional laundry is not a good idea. However we trust someone, we cannot expect them to keep everything to themself because they will have other shoulders to lean on. They might spill our beans to someone else in a belief that the other person don’t even know us. How funny is that!! People perceive things differently. So what if they add their perception too!! This might end up in you hurting someone unintentionally.


    We all are conditioned to depend on a shoulder to shed our pains. We all need someone to share everything. Of course we have our spouses or partners but sometimes after shedding everything on to them we still feel full and in need of an outlet. End of the day we risk ourselves of being at the mercy of someone to support us and keep our secrets safe. Why are we conditioned this way? Is it necessary to have a shoulder to lean on? Can’t a human being handle their problems alone.

    I did not put the cover picture of my Facebook page as a random one.I meant each and every word of it. Books are indeed my best friends. They are my shoulders to lean on. The moment I realised the folly of sharing my worries, I reconciled with my books. Atleast they won’t tell anyone about what’s in my heart.

    Why I shared this is because I wanted to suggest you to try this out and see how lighthearted you would be after this literary shedding. You can write in any language and doesn’t need to have exemplary language and vocabulary.