Dosha Quiz – Ayurveda way of Quotation on healthy lifestyle
Dosha Quiz – Ayurveda way of Quotation on healthy lifestyle
To enable us to understand our Dosha and incorporate it into our lives, we have presented a Dosha Quiz, an Ayurveda way of quotation on a healthy lifestyle.
As the year was going by, it was time for my retrospection. Should I write my gratitude for the year that is bidding adieu or should I look forward to the new year? After mulling over this, I thought, well I am a law of attraction coach. Why not use it for my coming year. So I decided to write New Year messages for myself.
Our wellness programs – checkout and decide which One to join
Our wellness programs – checkout and decide which One to join
For the longest time, I have been asked about the details of the programs. Every time I try to explain to everyone in person. I end up fumbling because every time what it means for me changes as per what state of mind I am in. So I thought, let’s get it documented. All about …
You always look the same. How do you maintain your weight? How did you lose all the baby fat? The question never ended. But I never felt like putting my weightloss journey out there yet. But now with the diet plan program in place, I feel it's the best time to share this.